Exclusive Interview with the Registrar Magazine: Rethinking Immigration Systems in AI’s Era

As the founder of Heron Law Offices, he continues to advocate for a human-centered approach to immigration—one that sees applicants as individuals, not just data points.
独家专访 | 移民律师 Will Tao: 人工智能时代的移民制度重塑对话

独家专访 | 加拿大移民律师 Will Tao。 这些经历直接影响了他在创立屡获殊荣的 Heron Law Offices 时所坚持的职业理念。该律所在 2025 年 Best Lawyers 评选中荣获 国家级和地区级 Tier 1 移民法律领域排名第一 的殊荣。