Will Tao was a keynote speaker on the topic of The Automated Administrative State: Update on Automated Decision-Making in Canada’s Immigration System at the 2024 CBA Immigration Law Conference alongside Mario Belissimo, Zeynab Ziaie Moayyed, and government speakers. Will has provided three takeaways from the conference.

Takeaway #1: Canadian immigration law requires enhanced expertise. It is no longer possible to dabble in the law. Cases are getting more difficult, requirements for programs are getting stricter, and there will be greater scrutiny of bad actors.
Takeaway #2: The Government’s digitization strategy is well underway with new portals. Courts are engaging in new processes. The Immigration and Refugee Board is focused on automation. These new technologies require new competencies to navigate them.
Takeaway #3: Proposed temporary resident caps will have drastic downstream impacts on other areas, such as Express Entry, PNPs, LMIAs, and other temporary and permanent pathways in Canada. These caps will be the first domino to fall and expect everything to build around this pending change.