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Category: Canadian Immigration Law Blog

Heron Law Offices Case Law Countdown: #6

In a recent decision, Madam Justice Strickland found that the
Officer unreasonably imported a new eligibility requirement for C-41 work permits by finding that the Principal Applicant had only provided documents showing that her spouse’s company exists on paper but no proof that the company is doing business.


Heron Law Offices Case Law Countdown: #7

Madam Justice Azmudeh recently found that the RAD overly fixated on scrutinizing individual pieces of evidence without considering the evidence as a whole in relation to a refugee claimant from Ethiopia of Amhara ethnicity.


Heron Law Offices Case Law Countdown: #8

In a recent decision, Justice Ahmed agreed with the Applicant that the Officer disregarded his submissions in relation to a procedural fairness letter issued on the basis of the Applicant’s potential criminal inadmissibility under s. 37(1)(a) of the IRPA.


Heron Law Offices Case Law Countdown: #9

In this Federal Court decision, Madam Justice Go found the Officer’s analysis of the Applicant and Sponsor’s relationship prior to their marriage unreasonable due to a narrow view of the evidence under the M v H test.


Heron Law Offices Case Law Countdown: #10

In a recent Federal Court decision, the Court held that the Applicants were not without recourse if their deferral request was denied since they had a pending judicial review of an H&C application and they could request deferral once again if the removal proceedings against them were resumed.


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