Heron Law Offices 的创始人 Will Tao 最近在《国家邮报》(National Post) 中发表了重要见解,讨论了加拿大华人留学生在不断变化的形势下所面临的挑战。他的评论重点分析了国家安全政策的复杂影响、中加关系恶化以及这些因素对希望来加拿大接受高等教育的学生所带来的影响。
Will 指出,许多中国留学生由于安全审查的加强,面临更长的等待时间和更高的学习许可拒签率。这些措施虽然旨在应对合法的国家安全关切,但在实际操作中却往往被广泛应用,且缺乏透明度。他强调道:“这种预测性筛查……是一个危险的趋势。我们需要在涉及安全问题的永久和临时居民审理中,提供更大的程序公正性和更有意义的面谈。”
National Post 全文报道:Chinese international students passing on Canada: ‘Monotonous’ and unaffordable

Will Tao
Principal / Canadian Immigration Lawyer at Heron Law Offices 加拿大移民法和行政法首席律师
Will Tao is a distinguished Canadian immigration lawyer at Heron Law Offices, known for his extensive expertise in navigating complex immigration matters. With a commitment to advocating for clients from diverse backgrounds, Will specializes in a wide range of immigration services, including family sponsorships, work permits, study permits, and refugee claims. His keen understanding of the legal landscape and personalized approach has earned him a reputation as a trusted advisor in the field.
Will was awarded the Canadian Bar Association’s 2020 Founder’s Award for accomplishments in his first five years of practice, and has won four Clawbies Awards, including having the Best Immigration Law Blog in 2019. He is listed as a Best Lawyer™ in the practice area of Immigration since 2019.