Our Success Stories

Success Stories Category: Immigration Applications

Heron Law Success Story: Study Permit Restoration for Graduate School Student

Our lawyer, Laura Schemitsch, successfully assisted a client in overturning a study permit extension refusal and restoring their student status in Canada. The client initially applied for an extension to complete their final term but missed an IRCC deadline due to technical issues with the portal. Although they submitted the required proof of payment before a decision was made, their application was refused. Heron Law Offices submitted a reconsideration request, arguing that IRCC made a clerical error, and also applied for status restoration. Both were approved, allowing the client to finish their studies in Canada.


Heron Law Offices Jointly Represented Employer and Applicant to Successfully Obtain C20 Work Permit for a Ski Coach for the 2023-2024 Season

Our lawyer, Laura Schemitsch, has successfully represented an Employer and Applicant on a C20 work permit application through the International Mobility Program (IMP). In this case, the Employer was seeking to hire a ski coach temporarily for the upcoming 2023-2024 ski season based on the Applicant’s unique skills and experience.

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