Success Stories

Success Stories Category: Procedural Fairness Letter

Heron Law Success Story: Overcoming Procedural Fairness Letter Related to Misrepresentation Allegations

Our client had been invited to apply for and had submitted an application for permanent residence through Express Entry, self-represented. During the final stages of processing, our client received a Procedural Fairness Letter (PFL) outlining the officer’s concerns regarding their failure to disclose a past visa refusal in their application. Upon consulting with our lawyer, we helped our client submit an extension of time request and developed a strategy to alleviate the Officer’s concerns through our written response. In less than one month, our client received instructions to continue with the PR landing process.


Heron Law 成功案例:应对虚假陈述指控导致的程序公正信 PFL

我们的客户受邀申请并通过快速通道DIY递交了永久居留申请。在申请的最后阶段,我们的客户收到了一封程序公正信(PFL),信中概述了签证官对其在申请中涉及未披露过去的拒签历史的顾虑。在与我所律师协商后,我们帮助客户提交了延期申请,并制定了一项策略,通过书面答复来减轻签证官的顾虑。在不到一个月的时间里,我们的客户就收到了继续进行 PR Landing 登陆程序的指示。

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