Why do some spousal sponsorships take longer than others in Canadian immigration?

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This process flow from an IRCC internal memo is for in-Canada spousal/common-law partner sponsorship applications (FC1/FCC applications). It shows the triage system for processing in-Canada spousal/common-law partner sponsorship applications in Canadian immigration. It could explain why some in-land spousal sponsorship applications take longer than others.

This overveiw map shows how an in-land spousal/common-law partner sponsorship application goes through different stages before a final decision.

This process map shows how an in-land spousal/common-law partner sponsorship application goes through different stages before an IRCC processing officer makes a final decision. First, an inland sposual/common-law partner application goes through an intake process for a completeness check, then a file is created. Next, the SCLPC AA Model will sort out the files into Green Bin and Standard Bin. Each bin has a different process for determining refusal or positive eligibility. As you can see, files in the green bin need to jump more hurdles than those in the standard bin.

Before files pass the positive eligibility determination,

  • Green-bined files will need to go through the process of quality assurance or the check of custody, or directly to the determination of positive eligibility.
  • Standard-bined files only need to go through the process of eligibility assessment.

If all the files passed the positive eligibility determination, then they will be moved down to adminissiblity assessment for a final decision.

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